HSE Policy

We regard Your Safety

As Our Priority

We Care
About Your Safety

Arks Energy Limited’s efforts to create and maintain a safety culture include starting meetings with safety lessons, tracking and awarding business units for strong safety performance, sharing best practices and lessons learned, and using behaviour based safety evaluations.

We invest in the health of employees to improve productivity, reduce costs related to employee health, and help our employees optimize their physical health and mental well-being. Training program and policy to support employees who want to make positive lifestyle changes.

Arks Energy Limited is continuing to implement a Fitness for Duty process, which confirms or identifies the circumstances under which employees are able to safely perform essential physical, psychological and cognitive requirements of their job without risk to self, others or the environment. In addition, we are continuing to implement our occupational hygiene process and its medical surveillance procedure, which seeks to affirm that workers are protected from potential workplace hazards such as noise and chemicals. We are developing standards and deploying them to business units, as well as creating a medical surveillance data tracking system. Relations are pro-active. The key plank of our Community Development is “Youth Empowerment”.

Our objectives are to avoid conflict, achieve zero work stoppage, enlighten the Communities on the needs for peaceful coexistence and ensure mutual trust and lasting cooperation. An essential part of the overall company’s management is the management of the life of the company’s personnel, clients or third parties equipment and facilities.

To ensure effectiveness in this management, the company as a matter of policy, takes responsibility of security of all personnel, client representation and third party in all our work sites /premises. We are developing standards and deploying them to business units, as well as creating a medical surveillance data tracking system.

Furthermore, Arks Energy Limited shall employ trained security officers. Also the services of licensed and professional security organizations shall be secured on retainership to boost the overall company security system. Arks Energy Limited acknowledges the fact that safety is good business. Safety is therefore given utmost priority in the day-to-day activities of the company.

We Adhere To
International Standard

Arks Energy Limited shall provide a healthy and safe working environment for all employees and others that are directly or indirectly involved in our operations. Management shall create safe working practices and working environment for the actualization of the company’s set objectives.

In Arks Energy Limited, health, safety and environment is a line management responsibility. Management, Supervisors and Employees must be actively involved in ensuring safety in every activity. Arks Energy Limited believes that all accidents are preventable. Therefore, giving safety suggestions, spotting of hazards, reporting of unsafe act/unsafe conditions and near misses shall be regarded as positive demonstrations on the part of employees to preventing avoidable accidents in our operations.

All employees and sub-contractors of Arks Energy Limited must work in accordance with this policy.

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Happy Clients
Years Of Experience
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Are Trusted By Many


Arks Energy Limited operates storage facilities, intermediate depots and regional filling plants, and distributes Petroleum products across like Diesel, Petrol, Kerosene and LPG via a transportation fleet, comprising an extensive distribution network. Bulk road transport of Oil and gas.